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Prayer for the Lost (Long)

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

A prayer like this you can pray with other people which would be more powerful especially if everyone is on one accord with another which is extremely important. But for example, you could say with two or more gathered “Father, in union and agreement with brother Billy, and sister Diana we come before you…” and go into the prayer. Best advice, if praying with more than one person, say the “In union and agreement with…” before each new paragraph. You will have to verbally edit the prayer, for example instead of “I adore you Lord, as the prayer reads, you will have to say “We adore you Lord” in a group praying together.

Sovereign Lord, I pray that you send your Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of those who are living in sin. Prepare the hearts of those who don’t know you to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. Send the right people to preach the gospel to them so that they can know how much you love them and the great sacrifice you made at the cross. Lord, we thank you, and we honor you. And Lord I know that the enemy has blinded the hearts of sinners so that they are not able to hear your voice when you call them. Lord, I pray that you remove the heart of stone from them and replace it with the heart of flesh so that they c

an be able to receive your Son, Jesus, and to hear your voice. Let every lie that the enemy has told them over time be exposed by your word. Let the truth prevail over their lives in Jesus name.

God of Mercy, you have been merciful to man since the creation of the world. There are so many things that we have done that go against your word, but because you are a loving Father that cares deeply about his children, you have forgiven us and set us free from any condemning charges, so I pray for mercy on behalf of those who are lost. Let your mercy fill their hearts that they may be able to know that you’re the true living God who was and is to come. Help them to know that it is only in surrendering themselves to you that they will find real rest and unconditional love in Jesus name.

Father, our Miracle-Worker, sinners cannot come to you unless you open their hearts. Lord, as evangelists all over the world prepare to go and preach the gospel of Jesus, I pray that you may you open up the hearts of those who are lost that they may be able to hear the word and accepted it as the truth. Uproot every lie that has been planted in their heart. Open their understanding that they may be able to see the truth that is found in your word in Jesus name. And God of my Salvation, it is fo

r freedom that Christ came that we may not be yoked to the yoke of enslavement. Sadly, very many people in this world are yoked to enslavement. They prefer the pleasures that the world offers to them instead of the freedom that you’ve given us through your Son, Jesus Christ. Father I pray that you help them to understand the freedom that you’ve provided to us freely and how to walk in it so that they can turn their lives around and I start worshiping you in Jesus name.

O God of Victory, I pray that you grant the lost grace for repentance. Lead men and women to the knowledge of the truth which is found in scripture. Open their spiritual eyes that they may know that life is beyond the physical and earth is just where we prepare for eternity. Cause them to hit rock bottom in areas where their hearts are hardened so that they can listen to your voice and follow it in Jesus name. Use Me as Your Vessel righteous Savior. Thank you for your unconditional love. It is because of this great love that I live in the freedom that Jesus has given me. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth that is found in your word. Mighty Savior, thank you for rescuing me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of your Son, Jesus.

But Father, I am so heartbroken because some of my family and friends have not accepted your Son, Jesus, as their Lord and savior. So, I pray that you use me as your v

essel to go and preach to them the gospel so that they can become part of your family. Heal Their Hearts Jesus. You are even the Great Physician, so many people are hurting today, and because of the pain that they carry on the inside, they have turned against you, Jesus. They think that you are behind their pain and have therefore decided to rebel against you just the way the devil is telling them to do. Jesus, I know the real enemy is the devil, and he is out there to destroy them. Jesus, your word says that hell was made for the devil and his angels and I pray that you may heal the hearts of your children who are lost and bring them back home so that they can serve you wholeheartedly. In your righteous and holy name Jesus.

Remove Satan’s Influence. God of Heaven’s Armies, we your children are living in challenging times when the enemy has convinced the people of this world that he does not exist and that you are a harsh God. Many people are rebelling against you because they do not understand who you are. God, I pray that you help these lost souls to know your Son, Jesus, so that they can start worshiping you in truth. Indwell your Holy Spirit in them. God, remove the evil influences from their lives that are blocking them from accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior in Jesus name, I believe and pray, Amen.

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